The cutest water-type creature swimming on Sui.

Launch Information

The Vaporeon memecoin was launched as a first runner into the potential Sui explosion. $VAPOREON is meant to serve as a tradable memecoin in all aspects.

Through Vapor DAO, $VAPOREON aims to gradually become deflationary as a bondable asset.


Refer to the trading page to learn more.


Protocol Usage


As a bondable asset, $VAPOREON can be bonded for $VAPOR tokens. Essentially, this is the process of trading your portion of the $VAPOREON supply to the protocol for $VAPOR. As a compensation, the protocol rewards you with more $VAPOR than you’d get on a market exchange rate. Keep in mind your exposure becomes entirely to $VAPOR and no longer to the $VAPOREON token.

This is beneficial in many aspects, as $VAPOR is calculated to have a larger market cap than $VAPOREON.

$VAPOREON holders can bond and receive a higher value of $VAPOR due to the bond discount, without impacting the price through a market sell.

Once bonded, $VAPOREON is sent to the multisig, effectively removed from circulation and will be considered burned.


  • $VAPOREON holders can invest into $VAPOR, or exit their positions without impacting the $VAPOREON price at all.

  • $VAPOREON is burnt, increasing the scarcity of $VAPOREON.

Refer to the Bonding page to learn more about how exactly bonds and bond discounts work.


Buyback Burn Mechanism

A portion of Defi profits from treasury strategies will be utilized to buyback and burn $VAPOREON daily.

Refer to treasury strategies to learn more.

Maintaining Market Price

Vaporeon LPs

All Vaporeon LPs will be transferred into the Treasury (multisig)

Last updated